Use cases

Use cases

Brand Community - Use case & Benefits

What is a brand community? Learn about the advantages of running a powerful brand community built using a comprehensive community platform - Wylo.





June 6, 2024

June 6, 2024

7 minutes read

7 minutes read

A few major benefits of running an exclusive brand community.
A few major benefits of running an exclusive brand community.
A few major benefits of running an exclusive brand community.

What is a common thing that great companies like Apple, Harley Davidson, Google, Zoho, Zerodha, and Virgin share? Their best spokespersons are their community. In other words, their loyal customers.

These brands have cracked the code by building a community that doesn’t just like their products but is also passionate about them.

And when that happens, no amount of advertising can match the power of word-of-mouth marketing generated by the community. These customers become the brand's most trusted ambassadors, spreading love and fueling growth. It's a marketing dream come true!

A few major benefits of running an exclusive brand community.

An online brand community gives such extraordinary people a great place to come together, interact, and do amazing things for a common cause. The best part about communities is that they can be created around all kinds of brands irrespective of their sizes or niches.

Building an online community around your brand is a game-changer, with long-term benefits that will make your brand shine. Did you know that according to a Salesforce study, 79% of customers prefer online communities for support, and 74% feel more loyal to brands with active communities?

In this blog post, let’s explore the significance, diverse use cases, and benefits of running a brand community built using Wylo. We'll show you how Wylo can help you create a thriving community tailored to your brand's unique needs.

If you don’t know, Wylo is a highly comprehensive and customizable community platform for brands and creators like you. Wylo lets you pick the features you want for your community and only pay for what you use - talk about a win-win! The best part - you can always add or remove features as you want. Now let’s talk about the use cases, shall we?

Use cases of a brand community

Forums: Driving Peer Support

Forums user interface of a brand community built using Wylo, showing thriving discussions among the brand and customers.

Forums enable customers to support one another. An online community with a forum provides a comprehensive platform where users can seek advice, share solutions, and collectively overcome challenges. Plus, it takes a weight off your customer support team's shoulders, slashing costs in the long run.

Channels: Feedback & Improvements

Your customers are your greatest asset! They're the ones who can help you refine your products and services to near perfection. With Wylo, you can create exclusive channels - private havens for honest feedback and innovative ideas.

Customers sharing their suggestions in a feedback and improvement channel of a brand community built using Wylo.

This doesn’t just demonstrate your dedication to continuous improvement but empowers your community members to co-create your offerings. As per an online study, 95% of users are happy to give feedback about the product/service they use and it makes them feel valued, ultimately boosting retention and product development.

Collections: Resource Sharing

Knowledge is the currency of the digital age. As a brand, you're sitting on a goldmine of valuable insights and expertise.

Important resources curated in collections, a feature within a brand community created using Wylo.

Wylo's collections empower you to share your wealth of knowledge with your community, establishing your brand as a trusted authority in your field. By curating and sharing your content right within your community, you'll create a go-to resource that attracts and engages your audience.

When combined with a forum, your members can dive deeper into meaningful discussions, expanding their knowledge and fostering a sense of community. With the ability to create engaging resource materials, your community would become a dynamic knowledge base.

Chats: Increased Engagement & Support

Wylo also offers the perfect blend of different chat tools. With Direct Messages (DMs), you can connect one-on-one with members, adding a touch of warmth and individuality to your conversations.

Members chatting with each other in a threaded chat of a brand community created using Wylo.

Community chats offer a dynamic space for group discussions, like Discord, allowing you to reach and engage with multiple members simultaneously without messing up the chat or missing out on any.

This versatile tool is perfect for fostering peer support, deepening member relationships, addressing issues, sharing updates, and so much more - the possibilities are endless!

Events: Live Sessions & Webinars

Take community engagement to new heights with Wylo's event-hosting feature. Host live sessions and webinars that educate, engage, and create a sense of community among your customers and users.

Events listed chronologically within the events tab of a brand community created using Wylo.

For any company, this means hosting sessions on cutting-edge tech and success stories that inspire. These events supercharge community bonding, providing a unique platform for direct interaction with your customers and prospects.

Courses: Educate & Monetize

Courses are a powerful way to educate customers. Familiar with HubSpot Academy? Now, imagine combining the power of courses with a vibrant community. With Wylo, you can achieve this seamlessly.

A thriving online community boosts engagement and completion rates for your courses. Moreover, courses open up new business opportunities, such as finding prospects, upselling, and more.

By integrating courses and community, you not only educate but also create avenues for growth and monetization.

Custom branding: For a unique identity

Stand out from the crowd and forge a unique community identity with Wylo's custom branding features. Tailor your community to reflect your brand's personality, from choosing a signature theme color to showcasing your logo and more.

Interface for customizing community settings on Wylo, including options to change the community name, description, cover image, logo, custom domain, and more.

This personal touch creates a sense of ownership and belonging among your members, making them feel like valued insiders and loyal ambassadors of your brand's community.

With Wylo, you can create a cohesive and engaging space that resonates with your audience and sets your community apart!

Benefits of running a brand community

Now that we have covered the diverse use cases of running a brand community using Wylo, let’s get into the benefits. A thriving brand community offers advantages that extend far beyond traditional marketing techniques as follows:

  • Deeper connections: An online community built using Wylo unites loyal customers and facilitates interactive engagement, moving beyond the typical one-way communication of social media. Thus, it helps you foster deeper connections with your audience.

  • Competitive edge: Running a vibrant brand community using Wylo sets you apart. It can even act as a MOAT for your business in the long term. In today’s digital world, a brand with an online community presence is much more likely to succeed than the ones that don’t.

  • Increased engagement: Low engagement with your users/customers can lead to higher churn, which is dangerous for your business. Running a thriving community is a great way to increase engagement and retention. As previously said, it can even act as a marketing channel and pull in new customers for you.

  • Strengthened branding: Your community will serve as an extension of your brand's identity. Running an exclusive community with customizable features can let you bring your brand essence into every touch point of your community. From giving your brand color to choosing the only features that you want, it’s all possible with Wylo. Thereby, you can ensure a premium and consistent brand and community experience.

A bustling coffee shop depicting the aspects of a thriving online brand community.

Creating a vibrant brand community is a game-changing approach that goes beyond mere transactions, elevating your customer relationships to a whole new level. Just as some brands have harnessed the power of community, you too can create an environment where your customers don't just buy from you. But become part of a larger narrative.

By fostering an online community, you'll transform the customer journey, shifting from traditional marketing tactics to meaningful connections, collaborative experiences, and shared storytelling. In this way, community building becomes an integral part of your business DNA, driving growth and loyalty in a truly impactful way.

With Wylo's comprehensive feature set, including forums, events, analytics, courses, and digital stores, you have everything you need to cultivate a community that perfectly reflects your brand's values and personality. And with our premium customization options, you can create a truly unique space where your brand's identity shines and your reach expands.

Need a little more help?

If you require personalized support and guidance to launch your online brand community, we're here to help. Simply book a slot based on your schedule and we'll be happy to assist you every step of the way.

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We are Wylo. Crazy and ambitious to build the most comprehensive, powerful, and customizable community solution that would make a difference.

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© 2024 Wylo networks private Ltd.

We are Wylo. Crazy and ambitious to build the most comprehensive, powerful, and customizable community solution that would make a difference.

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© 2024 Wylo networks private Ltd.

We are Wylo. Crazy and ambitious to build the most comprehensive, powerful, and customizable community solution that would make a difference.

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© 2024 Wylo networks private Ltd.

We are Wylo. Crazy and ambitious to build the most comprehensive, powerful, and customizable community solution that would make a difference.

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© 2024 Wylo networks private Ltd.

We are Wylo. Crazy and ambitious to build the most comprehensive, powerful, and customizable community solution that would make a difference.

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community builders.

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© 2024 Wylo networks private Ltd.

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